Weekend Links – Google Maps API, HeatMap API, googleDrive, MooTools Forms, jQuery Sparklines, Firebug

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Density Map Tutorial -- Prototype, Google Maps API, and the HeatMap API

HeatMap allows you to create heat maps on top of Google Analytics. A very impressive script that requires little code from the developer.



googleDrive is a script written by PhatFusion. Why drag the Google Map when you can just drive around it? Grand Theft Google!


10 MooTools Scripts For Enhancing Your Web Forms

Web forms can be bland and boring but they don't have to be! Here's a list of MooTools scripts that will make your forms pop!


jQuery Sparklines

Sparklines is a mini chart-building script built with jQuery. The charts aren't anything too special but they're simple and effective.


John Resig -- Firebuggin'

John Resig as joined the Firebug team at Firefox! Glorious!


Recent Features

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    Vibration API

    Many of the new APIs provided to us by browser vendors are more targeted toward the mobile user than the desktop user.  One of those simple APIs the Vibration API.  The Vibration API allows developers to direct the device, using JavaScript, to vibrate in...

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    Camera and Video Control with HTML5

    Client-side APIs on mobile and desktop devices are quickly providing the same APIs.  Of course our mobile devices got access to some of these APIs first, but those APIs are slowly making their way to the desktop.  One of those APIs is the getUserMedia API...

Incredible Demos

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    Create Twitter-Style Dropdowns Using MooTools

    Twitter does some great stuff with JavaScript. What I really appreciate about what they do is that there aren't any epic JS functionalities -- they're all simple touches. One of those simple touches is the "Login" dropdown on their homepage. I've taken...

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    Sexy Opacity Animation with MooTools or jQuery

    A big part of the sexiness that is Apple software is Apple's use of opacity. Like seemingly every other Apple user interface technique, it needs to be ported to the web (</fanboy>). I've put together an example of a sexy opacity animation technique...


    Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!