Weekend Links – iPhone Interface, mooVRotatingMenu, Digg Hacked, jQuery Scrolling, Prototip

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Create a Slick iPhone / Mobile Interface from any RSS Feed

Chris Coyier drops a sweet iPhone-like script for any RSS feed. Chris used SimplePie (PHP RSS API) and jQuery to create this hot page.



The people that brought you MooPan bring you mooVRotatingMenu, a slick-as-hell animated element rotation script. Comes in horizontal and vertical flavors.


How I Hacked Digg

Dominic at Phoboslab discovered some insecure code at Digg, told them about the issues, and didn't hear back. What's a blogger to do? Write about it, of course. Oddly enough, Digg's Lead Architect was the first one to comment.


Load Content While Scrolling With jQuery

This article details how you can forget pagination and server up more content when the user hits the bottom of page. DZone employs this type of virtual pagination.


Prototip 2 - Create Beautiful Tooltips with Ease

Prototip allows you to easily create both simple and complex tooltips using the Prototype JavaScript framework. The Prototip site also provides some sweet examples.


Compress jQuery Even Further

In our never-ending battle to compress our JavaScript libraries, this article describes compressing jQuery even more.


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  1. Great story about digg.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!