Wanna Be Me? I Want You!

By  on  

As much as you may think that you've learned a lot from me, trust me when I say that I've learned far more from my audience. Your comments have been extremely helpful to not only me but the rest of my audience as well. I've had the pleasure of extremely bright readers posting comments on my blog and I'd like to reward those people.

I'd like to announce that I'm looking for guest bloggers. Have a code tidbit that you think others may want to use? Have a wacky theory and simply need a place to be heard? If so, I want you!

Here's what you should do: email me at david@davidwalsh.name with a quick summary and some sample code (if applicable). If I think your idea is well thought-out and your code works, I'll post your article on my website! What are the benefits? Well, for starters:

  • You will get name recognition for your idea, including a full article, a head shot, a quick bio, and a link to your website / blog.
  • You'll get the benefit of being heralded as a saint or skewered as a heretic for your idea.
  • You'll get feedback from my audience and myself.

The topic can be anything of your choosing within the programming genre. My audience tends to give the following subjects more attention: CSS, AJAX/Mootools, PHP, and Usability. Again though, I encourage any topic you consider yourself an expert on. I would prefer original content, but posts from your blog would also be accepted.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Note: There isn't a monetary reward for your post.

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