Tweet For Code #4

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You don't need a thousand lines of code to make a big difference in any coding language.  Oftentimes it's quite the opposite:  a few tiny code snippets can do a world of good and accomplish big things.  I asked my Twitter followers to tweet to me their favorite tiny snippets of code -- that's a bit difference to try to pack into 140 characters!  Here are my favorites from this round!

ES6 Array Initialization

Here are a few clever ways to initialize an array with ES6:

Short syntax for dynamic result!

Remove Wrapping HTML with inner/outerHTML

This neat little trick allows you to remove a wrapping element and re-parent the child in one operation.

Of course you would brick your event connections but this is a neat trick.

3D Body Elements

Want a 3D look at a page's elements?  Check out this sweet JavaScript snippet:

This is a really neat optical effect, though not the most practical of snippets.


Since `sudo` gives you the ultimate of powers, why not give it a YOLO alias?


Thank you to everyone who participated, and keep your tiny snippets for the next Tweet for Code!

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    Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!