jQuery Tutorials

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    Animated AJAX Record Deletion Using jQuery

    I'm a huge fan of WordPress' method of individual article deletion. You click the delete link, the menu item animates red, and the item disappears. Here's how to achieve that functionality with jQuery JavaScript. The PHP - Content & Header The following snippet goes at the...

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    jQuery topLink Plugin

    Last week I released a snippet of code for MooTools that allowed you to fade in and out a "to the top" link on any page. Here's how to implement that functionality using jQuery. The XHTML A simple link. The CSS A little CSS for position and style. The jQuery...

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    Duplicate the jQuery Homepage Tooltips Using MooTools

    The jQuery homepage has a pretty suave tooltip-like effect as seen below: Here's how to accomplish this same effect using MooTools. The XHTML The above XHTML was taken directly from the jQuery homepage -- no changes. The CSS The above CSS has been slightly modified to match the CSS rules already...

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    Implementing the Sizzle Selector Engine in MooTools

    jQuery creator John Resig released his Sizzle selector engine. MooTools rightfully opted not to use Sizzle for a variety of reasons: Sizzle currently offers no speed improvements over MooTools' current selector engine. (John Resig commented about this below.) The MooTools team would have to...

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    Implementing jQuery-Like Event Syntax in MooTools

    If you take a peek inside the MooTools core Element/Events source code, you'll see the following collection of events: As you probably know, in order to add an event, you need to code something similar to: In jQuery you code something like: I don't prefer that syntax but if...

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    google.load():  Utilize Google’s AJAX Libraries API

    The problem: loads of websites around the internet using the exact same JavaScript file. The file is a whopping 100KB in size. Since this same file resides on each website's server, the file is downloaded and cached for each individual website. Lots...

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    Using jQuery and MooTools Together

    There's yet another reason to master more than one JavaScript library: you can use some of them together! Since MooTools is prototype-based and jQuery is not, jQuery and MooTools may be used together on the same page. The XHTML and JavaScript jQuery is namespaced so the...

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    Send Email Notifications for Broken Images Using jQuery AJAX

    It's usually best to repair broken image paths as soon as possible because they can damage a website's credibility. And even worse is having a user tell you about it. Using jQuery and PHP, you can have your page automatically notify you of broken...

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    jQuery Countdown Plugin

    You've probably been to sites like RapidShare and MegaUpload that allow you to download files but make you wait a specified number of seconds before giving you the download link. I've created a similar script but my script allows you to animate the CSS font-size...

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    jQuery Random Link Color Animations

    We all know that we can set a link's :hover color, but what if we want to add a bit more dynamism and flair? jQuery allows you to not only animate to a specified color, but also allows you to animate to a random color. The...