Demos Tutorials
Style Textarea Resizers
Modern browsers are nice in that they allow you to style some odd properties. Heck, one of the most popular posts on this blog is HTML5 Placeholder Styling with CSS, a tiny but useful task. Did you know you can also restyle the textarea resizer in WebKit...
Redacted Font
Back when I created client websites, one of the many things that frustrated me was the initial design handoff. It would always go like this: Work hard to incorporate client's ideas, dream up awesome design. Create said design, using Lorem Ipsum text Send initial design concept to the client...
jQuery Wookmark
The first thing that hits you when you visit Pinterest is "Whoa, the columns are the same width and the photos are cut to fit just the way they should." Basic web users probably think nothing of it but as a developer, I can appreciate the...
Spoiler Prevention with CSS Filters
No one likes a spoiler. Whether it be an image from an upcoming film or the result of a football match you DVR'd, sometimes you just don't want to know. As a possible provider of spoiler content, some sites may choose to warn users ahead...
Create a Brilliant Sprited, CSS-Powered Firefox Animation
Mozilla recently formally announced Firefox OS and its partners at Mobile World Congress and I couldn't be more excited. Firefox OS is going to change the lives of people in developing countries, hopefully making a name for itself in the US as well. The...
Create a Sheen Logo Effect with CSS
I was inspired when I first saw Addy Osmani's original ShineTime blog post. The hover sheen effect is simple but awesome. When I started my blog redesign, I really wanted to use a sheen effect with my logo. Using two HTML elements and...
CSS Scoped Styles
There are plenty of awesome new attributes we've gotten during the HTML5 revolution: placeholder, download, hidden, and more. Each of these attributes provides us a different level of control over an element on the page, but there's a new element attribute that allows...
afterscriptexecute Event
Fellow Mozillian Daniel Buchner, curator of the X-Tag project and clever developer who showed us how to detect dom node insertions using CSS animations, recently showed me a new JavaScript feature I'd never heard of: the
element's afterscriptexecute event.CSS calc
CSS is a complete conundrum; we all appreciate CSS because of its simplicity but always yearn for the language to do just a bit more. CSS has evolved to accommodate placeholders, animations, and even click events. One problem we always thought...
pointer Media Query
As more devices emerge and differences in device interaction are implemented, the more important good CSS code will become. In order to write good CSS, we need some indicator about device capabilities. We've used CSS media queries thus far, with checks for max-width and pixel ratios.