APIs Tutorials

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    Create Short URLs Using U.Nu

    I was recently referred to another URL shortening website called u.nu. As far as shortening services go, u.nu seems to have the field beat as far as the shortest base URL. If you're really intent on creating the shortest possible URLs, look no...

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    Create Bit.ly Short URLs Using PHP

    One of the more popular URL shortening services is Bit.ly. I've showed you how to create short URLs with TinyURL and Is.Gd, so why not show you how to create Bit.ly URLs remotely? The PHP Note that Bit.ly requires you to sign up for an account.

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    Update Your Twitter Status Remotely Using PHP

    The reason Twitter is so hugely popular is because their API allows for you to do almost anything. Here's how you can tweet remotely using PHP. The PHP That's it! Note that you may direct Twitter to return a XML or JSON response. Here's what...

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    MooTools TwitterGitter Plugin

    Everyone loves Twitter. Everyone loves MooTools. That's why everyone should love TwitterGitter, a MooTools plugin that retrieves a user's recent tweets and allows the user to format them however the user would like. TwitterGitter allows the user to choose the number of...

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    Linkify Your Twitter Feed

    So, you want to display your Twitter status on your blog? No problem, use the API. But, what if you want to display links in your status like twitter.com itself does? No problem, use regular expressions. Here is a function that will turn all HTTP URLs, Twitter @usernames...

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    Get a URL’s de.licio.us Count Using JavaScript

    When I put together my new theme, I made it a goal to integrate more of the social bookmarking websites. The benefit to me is that my articles and website will get more attention. The benefit to you is that you can save /...

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    Create a TinyURL with PHP

    TinyURL is an awesome service. For those who don't know what TinyURL is, TinyURL allows you to take a long URL like "https://davidwalsh.name/jquery-link-nudging" and turn it into "http://tinyurl.com/67c4se". Using the PHP and TinyURL API, you can create these tiny URLs on the fly! The PHP Simply...

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    Technorati Grabber:  Get Your Technorati Rank and Authority

    Technorati is one of those sites that's like Alexa in that you get an assigned rank. You also get what is called "authority," which represents: Technorati Authority is the number of blogs linking to a website in the last six months. The higher the number, the...

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    Get Your FeedBurner Reader Statistic Using PHP cURL and the FeedBurner API

    My favorite part of the Web 2.0 revolution is the abundance of APIs. Everyone has one: Digg, Feedburner, Pownce, Flickr, Google Maps, etc. FeedBurner provides a sweet "Awareness API" that allows you to pull statistics from your FeedBurner account. Here's how you...

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    Weather Switcher 1.000001

    A while back, CSS-Tricks Tsar Chris Coyier and I created a Weather Switcher script that connected to Yahoo!'s weather API, downloaded an XML file containing weather information for a specified zip code, and modified the website's theme based on the weather. Yahoo! recently made an update...