What I’m Thankful For: 2009 Web Edition

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I'd like to take a moment this Thanksgiving to thank some people that deserved to be.

  • I'd like to thank the MooTools team for all of the support and hard work. I feel truly honored to be around such intelligent, driven group of individuals. I'd like to specifically thank Aaron Newton and Valerio Proietti for being great leaders and advisers. MooTools FTW.
  • I'd like to thank members of the MooTools community for all of their hard work. Sometimes I don't think we all realize just how much we're changing the web. Keep up the good work MooToolers!
  • I'd like to thank friends like Chris Coyier and Eric Wendelin for letting me bounce ideas off of them, however rubbish they may be.
  • I'd like to thank Babel Fish for allowing me to easily translate senseless phrases to other languages so that I may send said messages to foreign members of the MooTools team.
  • I'd like to thank Rey Bango for being my whipping boy whenever I need to talk smack to someone.
  • I'd like to thank Twitter for creating a service that allows me to be riveting in 140 characters or less.
  • I'd like to thank DirecTv for allowing to purchase not one but two soccer packages. I get to see EPL, SPL, La Liga, Serie A, Bundesliga, Ligue, Russian League, and Champhions League. In turn I'd like to thank Darren Waddell for being patient with me as I ask questions and initially attempted to be a Chelsea fan. I've seen the errors of my ways: go Gunners!
  • I'd like to thank Internet Explorer for continuing to encourage my creativity and making me think out each piece of my JavaScript code.
  • I'd like to thank my advertisers who are unknowingly paying for the rock I just bought.
  • I'd like to thank all of the crappy sites our there for giving me so many ideas for improvements.
  • I'd like to thank the developers and designers that follow me here, provide encouragement and constructive criticism, and reach out to help with projects. You guys make all the time I spend on this blog worth it.

Thank you again!

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  1. I’d like to thank David Walsh for teaching me the stuff that matters and not to hate IE so much.

  2. Anton

    I’d like to thank David Walsh for all the relevant information I find on this blog and also for so many great ideas he comes up with and allows us, ordinary people, to use :)

  3. I’m British, so no thanksgiving here, but none the less I’m very thankful for David as well for introducing me to MooTools. Oh and for turkey. And Liverpool FC for purchasing Torres. Oh, and probably my wife ;)

  4. @Colin Gillies: I’m thankful to me for buying myself 2 Torres jerseys.

  5. kolin

    I’d like to thank mootools too, for such an awesome framework, and my walsh for his snippets of very useful code. not understanding the need to purchase 2 torres’ jerseys though. 0 would be enough.

  6. kolin

    #mr walsh (obv.)

  7. I would like to thank orbit for reminding me to sleep sometimes. I would also like to thank David for not flagging my comments as spam. I would like to thank my make-up artist wife for trying to understand my code rants. I would like to thank all my open-minded clients who allow (and pay for) my exploration into deep space…erm coding. :D

  8. Che la Turchia è il fumo caldo

  9. ali

    Internet Explorer was interesting :)

  10. Q_the_Novice

    Another thank you from South Africa, your blog has changed my dipers and my novice days are coming to an end. MooTools FTW!

  11. Jesus DeLaTorre

    Does she know about the rock?

  12. Deepali

    I’d like to thank David Walsh for all the information I find on this blog. I never finish up my day before checking out here. Your ideas are simply great, which always helpful for ordinary people like us.

    Thanks a lot David. :)

  13. I’m thankful to have a role model like you, David!

  14. Sahar

    I’m from iran, blog is very useful for me,I’d like to thank David Walsh.I never finish up my day before checking out here.

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