In this episode: Todd's back from an amazing conference and David sees this week's guest as being the ticket to making his kids thing he's a super hero. The amazing Kristina Durivage stops by to talk JavaScript, electrical engineering and unusual uses of LEDs for programming, and the web landscape. Enjoy!
If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I've been working on a super top secret mobile application using Appcelerator Titanium. The experience has been great: using JavaScript to create easy to write, easy to test, native mobile apps has been fun. My...
Your early CSS books were instrumental in pushing my love for front end technologies. What was it about CSS that you fell in love with and drove you to write about it?
At first blush, it was the simplicity of it as compared to the table-and-spacer...
My favorite web technology is quickly becoming the WebSocket API. WebSocket provides a welcomed alternative to the AJAX technologies we've been making use of over the past few years. This new API provides a method to push messages from client to server efficiently...
As you may know, HTML5 has introduced several new input types: number, date, color, range, etc. The question is: should you
start using these controls or not? As much as I want to say "Yes", I think they are not yet ready for any real life...