In this episode: Todd's back from an amazing conference and David sees this week's guest as being the ticket to making his kids thing he's a super hero. The amazing Kristina Durivage stops by to talk JavaScript, electrical engineering and unusual uses of LEDs for programming, and the web landscape. Enjoy!
I spent a few months experimenting with different approaches for writing simple, elegant and maintainable media queries with Sass. Each solution had something that I really liked, but I couldn't find one that covered everything I needed to do, so I ventured into creating my...
When you say or read "HTML5", you half expect exotic dancers and unicorns to walk into the room to the tune of "I'm Sexy and I Know It." Can you blame us though? We watched the fundamental APIs stagnate for so long that a basic feature...
I published a post a year ago detailing how you can copy to the clipboard using JavaScript. The post was very popular and why would it be? Copying content from a webpage without needing to use the default browser functions is awesome. One trend I've...
It's no secret that Facebook has become a major traffic driver for all types of websites. Nowadays even large corporations steer consumers toward their Facebook pages instead of the corporate websites directly. And of course there are Facebook "Like" and "Recommend" widgets on every website. One...