Reset a Branch to Remote State with git
Every once in a while I accidentally hose my repository's master branch by merging or committing something I shouldn't. And then on rare occasion I push that to my remote and then things get all sorts of messed up. Every PR from that point on has some wonky commits and I look like a noob. Sometimes the best course of action is to just reset to the a remote branch's master (i.e. the repository I forked the project from) and get on with life that way. Here's how to do so:
git fetch some-remote # "origin" if you want to use your own branch
git reset --hard some-remote/master
The first step is fetching a list of branches from the remote. The next is executing a hard reset of the branch based on the remote.
Now you can stop asking yourself how things got so messed and up can get back to business!
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