Poll: How Many Domains Do You Own?
If you're anything like me, you get hit with "great" ideas every 10 minutes. With the ecstatic feeling this new idea brings, you navigate to your domain registrar of choice to snatch up the clever domain that will surely make your "great" idea even more "great." Exciting!
Fast forward to a week later and the so-called "great" idea was quite possibly the worst idea of your life. You look at yourself in the mirror and question all of the decisions you've made in your life, from breaking up with Jenna in high school, to taking Visual Basic instead of PHP back in college, to ordering a latte instead of a cappuccino at Starbucks that morning.
I want to know how many domains you own. Keep in mind that work-related domains don't count in this poll. After you vote, share you story of false glory by saying how many you wish you hadn't gotten!
[poll id="5"]
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I only have 5 or so, so not enough to start any regret yet. :)
enough, enough, enough ;) … expensive!
Half of my domains are for sale…
Enough said.
I’ve got 5 (I think!) all of which point to the same site. I figure that they might as well do something, ANYTHING, after the idea passes.
I have over 20 but some sites are managed by other people in partnership so that helps. Lately I have been letting some go since I have lost interest or know I will not have the time to work on them. Hope to be under 20 soon.
Over 15, lost count…maybe one or two has potential. Hey! It only takes one ;)
I have 14. Whenever I have an idea for a site I buy the domain right away. Problem is that I get all these domains and can only work on one a time. Dang. But being ambitious is always a good thing, right?
i own 15, 3 of which are going to be works in progress once i get time to do them. 2 are actually for the same project ( name changes ), and the rest are personal stuff.
I have 15, I’ll develop when I have time
I own 9 domains. But just on 2 of them projects are running. The other 7 will come anywhen in the future.
Originally I owned 10, but I lost one of them, because I forgot to notify my provider that I moved house…
Okay, now this is embarrassing! I checked the “7 – 10” button, but thought to myself, “When was the last time you checked your DNS account?” Well, it turns out I actually have 14! Yikes, when did that happen!
To be fair, however, just this morning I got the “final, final, final” notice from GoDaddy for a domain that has just failed the 1 year test! I usually only register them for a single year initially. If I do nothing with them they don’t get renewed.
Plus, a buddy of mine and I have a running joke that all our domain ideas now have to go into a holding period before they actually get purchased. Ironically, that has cut down on the number and frequency of URL purchases!
Do you have hidden cameras in my office?? :P
voted to 4-7 :D
8 currently. I used to have more though. Hehe.
around 3, but not yet active ;)
I have over the 20 domains. But not all active. Only 13 domains are working and i need very much time and help for them.
7 here. More than 20 have to be tiresome…
I have almost 40 domains, not all presently active, but all worth the $10 I dropped on them. Not tiresome at all. I bought a domain three years ago and didn’t pursue the idea that prompted me to buy it, then I received an offer of $100 for the domain – out of the blue, I don’t squat – what a surprise.
Every single one I own has a great idea inside it. If I can’t make it flourish, I let it expire. No regrets on a single one :)
I thought for sure that the over 20 would be the most popular.
Can’t believe, I thought only me….