Tutorials Page 88
Detect if a GIF is Animated
If you tweet an animated GIF, you'll notice that Twitter takes it and converts it to an mp4. I'd speculate that they do that conversion because an MP4 is better supported across platforms, at least in that they allow for playing/pause of the animation. And with...
Ana Tudor’s Favorite CodePen Demos
Cocoon I love canvas, I love interactive demos and I don't think I have ever been more impressed by somebody's work than when I discovered what Tiffany Rayside has created on CodePen. So I had to start off with one of her interactive canvas pens, even though...
Designing for Simplicity
Before we get started, it's worth me spending a brief moment introducing myself to you. My name is Mark (or @integralist if Twitter happens to be your communication tool of choice) and I currently work for BBC News in London England as a principal engineer/tech...
Get an Absolute URL with JavaScript
Dealing with URL formats can be a real nightmare. Think of how just a few characters can effect a URL's absolute endpoint: starting or not starting with
starting with//
starting with?
starting with#
...and so on What if you want an absolute URL though? One that starts with...SVG Animations Using CSS and Snap.svg
Today I wanted to share with you the ease of animation in SVG with the tools we have available to us today. SVG is still one of those subjects that can scare away a lot of developers, but I'm here to show you hopefully just...
13 Factors to Consider While Choosing a JavaScript Charting Library
Before starting your search for a charting library, you need to know that creating good data visualization (dataviz) is a huge time investment if you are planning to build a serious application. Having clear answers to questions like what exactly your dataviz is going to achieve...
Remove Multiple New Lines with JavaScript
I'm blessed in that lots of people want to guest post on this blog. It's really flattering and I love seeing writers get a bunch of attention after writing. My task is converting the blog post, in whatever format it's provided in (HTML, Markdown, PDF, Google Doc...
15 UX and UI Tools and Resources for Web Designers
If you are looking for a UI and UX tool to make your design work faster and easier than ever, you may find the solution in the listing below. The tools listed here are a combination of newer tools that have come on the market, and...
LIVE Stream: O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference
A few weeks ago I gave away a free ticket to O'Reilly Software Architecture conference, but if you weren't lucky enough to be picked, I've got a treat for you: a live stream of the event! Keep this link handy as I will be live streaming both...
Bloom: The Answer to the Question of Whether E-mail Opt-in Forms Can be Effective and Aesthetic
One of the harsh slaps across the face that reality brings to the dreams of making it big in internet marketing is that the form that asks visitors to your site to hand over their e-mail address is in most cases ineffective. What can such a...