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The Object object has been buffed with useful methods over the past few years.  Object.keys, Object.values, Object.freeze, and Object.assign all address frequently desired functionality.  One of the new Object methods is fromEntries, which accepts a Map or map-like array nesting and converts it to a useful object literal!

Convert Map to Object

Converting a Map to a key:value object is simple with Object.fromEntries:

Object.fromEntries(new Map([["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]]));
// Object { a: "b", c: "d" }

Convert a Nested Array to Object

Since the simple nested array is much like a Map, you can also do the following:

Object.fromEntries([["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]]);
// Object { a: "b", c: "d" }

There are great uses for Maps but there's nothing as amazing as a simple key:value object to store and reference information!

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Incredible Demos


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