David Walsh Network of Websites
The David Walsh Blog

My blog features code of all languages and frameworks including PHP, CSS, Javascript (MooTools and jQuery), MySQL, and many more. My blog also features random musings, essays about the web and designer/developer topics, and tips learned from years of experience. The content is always original and comments are always welcome.
Script & Style

Script & Style is a joint venture by myself and CSS Tricks' Chris Coyier. Script & Style is a website for the design and developer community, providing links to popular articles relevant to topics such as CSS , JavaScript (MooTools, jQuery, Dojo, etc.), HTML5, Photoshop, etc. Want to know what's currently hot in the design and development community? Check out the Script & Style website, grab the feed, or follow Script & Style on Twitter.
Band Website Template

Band Website Template is a expertly designed, masterfully coded HTML/CSS/MooTools website template created for bands that want a website that rock as much as they do. Coded by myself and designed by Chris Coyier, Band Website Template is a rock-solid, dynamic website template featuring Easy Gig Management. WordPress theme also included! Band Website Template has been retired.
Wynq Web Labs

Wynq Web Labs is the name of my freelance development firm. Need to take your website to the next level? Add a dash of jQuery or MooTools and your website goes from boring to dynamic in no time! Don't hesitate to contact Wynq Web Labs with questions.