I have the pleasure of working for the web freedom fighters known as Mozilla. Mozilla is without a doubt the best organization in the world to work for.
Mozilla Developer Network
I spend the majority of my time improving the best web development documentation website in the world: the Mozilla Developer Network. Since I joined Mozilla and the MDN team, we have:
- Moved MDN from a third-party software to a completely in-house platform called Kuma.
- Enhanced numerous features present on the old platform, including creating a new template language called KumaScript
- Met in Toronto and hashed out the next six months of development goals
- Performed minor miracles every day.
The Mozilla Developer Network is a community-driven documentation site, so please take the time to contribute to the cause!
Mozilla Marketplace
I've also been able to chip in a bit on the Mozilla Marketplace. The Mozilla Marketplace will be the best place to find cross-platform, cross-device, web-based applications. Look forward to downloading your favorite apps from the Mozilla Marketplace very soon!
![Mozilla Job](
Work For Mozilla!
Want to surround yourself with some of the best web developers in the world? Want to work for a an organization that encourages open source and actually cares about the web community? Want to travel around the world, speaking and evangelizing about advanced web technologies? Work for Mozilla!