Forge: MooTools Plugin Repository

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Today marks a huge day in the history of the MooTools project: the public release of the MooTools Forge. The Forge is masterful plugin repository system created by MooTools Core Developer Guillermo Rauch. The Forge currently features numerous plugins created by the Contributors and Core Developers of the MooTools team -- by this time tomorrow, the Forge will be (hopefully) filled with MooTools plugins from developers like yourself!

Without going into too much technical detail, the Forge is based on having a developer's plugins being hosted with the GitHub system. If you don't have a GitHub account, I highly recommend you create one. Once you have an account and each plugin's repository is structured and tagged properly, you may quickly add that plugin to the Forge for the world to use!

Relevant Links & Guides

Special Thank You to Guillermo Rauch

Guillermo's efforts have paved the way for MooTools developers to quickly and easily share their MooTools plugins with the rest of the community. I'd like to to thank Guillermo for his efforts -- I know he worked extremely hard to create this awesome system.

One Last Thing...

MooTools FTW.

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  1. Finally!!!!!! this is Awesome, now is when mootols get rise to the top

  2. Boris

    Yup. Great news for MooTools!

  3. kolin

    mooootiful. no more moooogling for great plugins.

  4. Alex

    I AM moved :D Gonna create some cool plugins now!

  5. Good thing!
    Let me just struggle with the Git thingie… I’m not used with that AT ALL! I’ll do that a bit later, probably next week.

    In any case, kudos for this Forge! Mootools FTW!!!!1!!one!!

  6. senshikaze

    awesome. mootools ftw, definitely.

  7. Mr.X.

    Hell, it’s about time!

  8. Richie

    Great news from Mootools Dev ^^

    I’m always a MT’s fan! Now with MT Forge, hope it will spread out as as much as the contributors!

    Richie from Vietnam

  9. Alex

    My favorite plug ins till now:

    Mootools IdleTimer

    Mootools Forge made me really happy the last 2 days :D and
    are now all redirected to Mootools Forge. I was planning some months ago to create my own mootools forge website, but I saw on time a cool announcement for an official mootools forge :D

  10. –> It’s about time!!! ;-)

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!