New MooTools Methods: .from()
MooTools 1.3 beta 2 was recently released and you may see a few new methods implemented to String, Array, Number, and Function: from. The from method of each of those Types returns an object of that type. Simply put: you'll always receive back an object of that type based on what you give it.
The New Method Code
Function.from = function(item){ return (typeOf(item) == 'function') ? item : function(){ return item; }; }; Array.from = function(item){ if (item == null) return []; return (Type.isEnumerable(item) && typeof item != 'string') ? (typeOf(item) == 'array') ? item : : [item]; }; Number.from = function(item){ var number = parseFloat(item); return isFinite(number) ? number : null; }; String.from = function(item){ return item + ''; };
The from method is added to String, Array, Number, and Function natives. Enough with the underlying code though -- examples are easier to understand.
Function.from, Array.from, Number.from, String.from Examples
Array.from('Item'); //returns ['Item'] (array type) Function.from('Item, Whoa, Hey'); //returns function() { return 'Item, Whoa', Hey'; } (function type) String.from(function() { alert('MooTools FTW!'); }); //returns function () { alert("MooTools FTW!"); } (string type) Number.from('8765309'); //returns 8765309 (number type)
Each example above shows you what's returned by each method. Being able to generate a given object type from any argument using from can save you a lot of time -- especially when a given MooTools class or method requires an argument of a specific type. from is just another example of how MooTools can make your JavaScript life easier!
Oh great! :)
nomore switch-cases for specific type argument…
Life is really easier with MooTools