MooTools Form Field Default Plugin

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One nice, subtle enhancement you can add to your website is a default input value that disappears when the user clicks into the field and reappears if the user leaves the field empty. It's rather easy to do, but I decided to create a MooTools class for it anyway.


	<input type="text" class="defs" rel="Search here..." />
	<input type="text" class="defs" rel="Email address" />
	<input type="text" class="defs" rel="Like whoa!" />

Each field's default value will be whatever gets placed in the rel attribute.

The MooTools JavaScript Class

var dwDefaults = new Class({
	Implements: [Options],

	options: {
		collection: $$('input[type=text]')
	initialize: function(options) {
		//set options
	//a method that does whatever you want
	defaults: function() {
		this.options.collection.each(function(el) {
			el.addEvent('focus', function() { if(el.get('value') == el.get('rel')) { el.set('value',''); } });
			el.addEvent('blur', function() { if(el.get('value') == '') { el.set('value',el.get('rel')); } });

For every item in the collection, we add focus and blur event that controls whether the item's message should be removed or shown.

The MooTools JavaScript Usage

window.addEvent('domready', function() {
	var defs = new dwDefaults({
		collection: $$('input.defs')

All you have to do is provide the collection!

There you have it! I would've done a jQuery plugin but it's already out there.

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  1. Michael

    David, you’ve proved it once again.

    You’re the sh*t.

    Thanks for this post. Perfect timing.


  2. where is the example?

    we want example :D

  3. Martin Lundgren

    Hi Dave,

    I just wan to point out that the input element does not have a rel attribute.

    I wrote a class for the exact same thing about two weeks ago. I used the value attribute to store the default value. Then ondomready I attached the default value to the element with the MooTools store() and retrieve() methods and applied the functionality.

    Thank you for a great site!

  4. I suggest using the alt-attribute. it works fine on every browser and validates.

  5. Bradley

    A nice enhancement to this script would be to also support password fields — since the value will show up as *, you have to create a new text input and hide the password input, and on-focus you swap them. I guess that could be a little bloaty if you aren’t going to use it for that, but it’s nice to have general-case solutions.

    I agree with the other comments about not using the rel attribute. In any case, decent little snippet.

  6. I was using a similar premise for a mootools validation script. For some reason I wanted it to validate but found the alt or rel attribute couldn’t be used. I decided to use the lang attribute and use underscores instead of spaces which are removed later. The lang attribute is common to most elements.

    e.g. To get a different or nice name for a select box

    [[select name=”role_id” id=”role_id” class=”val_required” lang=”Security_role”]]

    Not sure why I needed it to validate – obsessive compulsive I think : )

  7. Why aren’t you just using the defaultValue of the input text boxes?
    link text

  8. it works fine on every browser and validates.

  9. I suggest using the alt-attribute. it works fine on every browser and validates.

  10. I agree with the other comments about not using the rel attribute. In any case, decent little snippet.

  11. I just wan to point out that the input element does not have a rel attribute.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!