MooTools Forge / GitHub Plugin Structure Shell Script

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One thing I love about the MooTools Forge is that it requires a strict structure for its plugins i.e. requiring a file, Source directory, etc. I've created a shell script that I can run that creates the directory structure and files required to add my plugin to GitHub and then the Forge.

The Shell Script & Usage

The first step is creating the repository at GitHub. Once created at GitHub, I run the script, giving it the name of the plugin and repository (they must be the same):

./ ScrollSpy

The script itself looks like:

mkdir $1
cd $1
git init
mkdir Source
touch Source/$1.js
touch Source/$1-yui-compressed.js
mkdir Docs
touch Docs/$
touch package.yml
echo "name:  $1
author:  davidwalsh
tags:  []
demo:  " >> package.yml;
cd $1
git add *
git commit -m "First Commit"
git remote add origin$1.git

Tada! Done! Now I just need to populate each file with the necessary content. MooTools FTW!

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  1. That is very useful :)

  2. Hmm, Thanks!
    Since I’m on PC, I tend to use TortoiseGit instead of the Bash itself, but the structure can still be quite useful!

    Of course, for the last code line, we have to use our own username…
    git remote add origin$1.git

  3. @Nickolas Simard: Correct.

  4. Was thinking of making a textmate command to do the same, but a shell script makes more sense. Thanks!

  5. Just so you know, this works just fine with msysgit on windows. You can throw it in a .bat file and run it as shown above.

  6. PaquitoSoft

    Great tip. Thanks!

  7. PaquitoSoft

    @PaquitoSoft: There’s one thing that didn’t worked for me when using your structure for GitHub.
    You suggest to create a minified version of our source code files and put them into the Source folder but the process in MooForge that validates your GitHub repository checks that every file in that folder has a yaml header. It’s not a good idea to put that header into the minified version since this one has to be as little as possible.
    I asked Guillermo Rauch where should we put our minified files, I mean a standard name for a folder that will hold this kind of files, but I didn’t received an answer yet.

  8. Good afternoon, I have a problem with the addition of plug-in Mootools Forge, tell me please, what am I doing wrong?

    The form of adding an error:
    `provides` field missing or empty in PageMooSlider.js

    Although I write in the Header:

    – PageMooSlider

    And in the code plug is present class:
    var PageMooSlider = new Class ({});

    Help with the addition of poalina, thank you.

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