Review: Media Temple Site Mover

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Media Temple Web Hosting

This blog has changed my life.  I have an incredible job at Mozilla, I've been a member of the MooTools team for years, and I've learned an incredible amount of front-end development techniques, all thanks to this blog.  Needless to say, this blog means everything to me.   Media Temple has been providing sponsored hosting to this blog and many open source projects, like jQuery and MooTools, so they too are important to me.  A few weeks back I was in Brazil and my site started having epic MySQL issues, probably due to a rogue WordPress plugin or some technical villain in their parents basement.  After asking Media Temple to help me figure out what the problem was, they delivered the news that my site's virtual server was damaged and needed to be upgraded.  Initially I was afraid of upgrading because my site had been stable for a long time, and due to my lack of system admin skills, I thought there were any number problems that could pop up for the upgrade, including:

  • Site downtime
  • Missing files or MySQL data
  • Email interruption
  • and whatever else that could pop up

I was dead wrong.  Media Temple's "Otto" Site Mover service was incredible.

"Otto" Site Mover

The first step in the Site Mover service is filling out a very basic form, providing FTP and MySQL information, as well as some other virtual server details.  That was the extent of my part.  What transpired next will make any person who has dealt with several hosting providers weep out of joy:  due to the damage to my virtual server, Media Temple had extra questions, so they called me for clarification.  Let me repeat that.  A hosting provider called me to get clarification about something instead of putting me through a song and dance through tickets.  It was incredible.  After five minutes with Jeff, the Media Temple technician, I was able to get my site move back on track and I actually felt much better about the move.

Two Hours Later...

My site move was complete.  Files were migrated, MySQL tables were in placed, and my email forwarders were ready.  I was provided an IP address to check my site before DNS was migrated, and once I concluded the site was in working order, I was able to quickly change DNS and that was all.  Done.  In two hours, my site went from an old, damaged virtual server to a fresh, lightning fast virtual server.

MediaTemple FTW

Media Temple has sponsored this blog for several years, and no matter what issue I've brought to them, they've bent over backward to accommodate me.  I can also say that as MooTools' liaison to Media Temple, as well as someone who has dealt with hundreds of hosting providers in the past decade, Media Temple are the best hosting provider out there.  I can't thank Media Temple enough for rescuing me from the hell of horrible hosting providers and a damaged virtual server.  If ever you're looking for a hosting provider, for sites small to larger, consider Media Temple -- they support open source and do a damn good job in doing so.

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  1. It was a pleasure to move your website David. Thank you for being a (mt) Media Temple customer.

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