
SuperSelectors is an extra collection of MooTools psuedo selectors that provide shortcuts to selecting elements.

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Plugin Code (Version 2.0)

/* grab random elements */
/* credit: */
Selectors.Pseudo.random = function(probability, local) {
	return Math.random() < (probability || .5).toFloat();

/* grab elements with no value */
Selectors.Pseudo.noValue = function() {
	return '' == this.value;

/* grab elements with a specific empty attribute */
Selectors.Pseudo.emptyAttribute = function(att) {
	return '' == this.get(att);

/* grab disabled elements */
Selectors.Pseudo.disabled = function() {
	return this.disabled;

/* grab enabled elements */
Selectors.Pseudo.enabled = function() {
	return !this.disabled;

/* grab each type of input */
['text','password','radio','checkbox','submit','image','reset','button','file','hidden'].each(function(type) {
	Selectors.Pseudo.(type) = function() {
		return type == this.get('type');

/* form element ? */
Selectors.Pseudo.input = function() {
	return ['textarea','select','input','button'].contains(this.get('tag'));

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