Kwicks is a MooTools plugin that enables dynamic navigation effects via lists.
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Plugin Code (Version 1.0)
var Kwicks = new Class({ Implements: [Options], options: { squeezeWidth: 100, maxWidth: 285 }, initialize: function(list,options) { this.setOptions(options); this.list =; this.parse(); }, parse: function() { var items = this.list.getElements('a'), fx = new Fx.Elements(items, {wait: false, duration: 250, transition:Fx.Transitions.Cubic.easeOut}), startWidths = [], options = this.options; items.each(function(item,i) { startWidths.push(item.getStyle('width').toInt()); item.addEvent('mouseenter',function(){ var fxSettings = {}; fxSettings[i] = { 'width': [item.getStyle('width').toInt(),options.maxWidth] }; items.each(function(sibling,ii) { if(sibling != item) { var w = sibling.getStyle('width').toInt(); if (w != options.squeezeWidth) { fxSettings[ii] = { 'width': [w,options.squeezeWidth] }; } } },this); fx.start(fxSettings); },this); },this); this.list.addEvent('mouseleave',function() { var fxSettings = {}; items.each(function(item,i) { fxSettings[i] = { width: [item.getStyle('width').toInt(), startWidths[i]] }; }); fx.start(fxSettings); }); } }); /* example usage */ window.addEvent('domready', function() { var kwicks = new Kwicks('kwicks'); });
XHTML List Format
<div id="kwick"> <ul id="kwicks"> <li><a class="kwick john" href="" title="John Lennon"><span>John Lennon</span></a></li> <li><a class="kwick paul" href="" title="Paul McCartney"><span>Paul McCartney</span></a></li> <li><a class="kwick george" href="" title="George Harrison"><span>George Harrison</span></a></li> <li><a class="kwick ringo" href="" title="Ringo Starr"><span>Ringo Starr</span></a></li> </ul> </div>
Options & Events
- squeezeWidth: (defaults to 100) The width of a squeezed element.
- maxWidth: (defaults to 125) The width of an expanded element.
There are no public methods.
Code Revisions & Bug Fixes