Recent Features
From Webcam to Animated GIF: the Secret Behind!
My team mate Edna Piranha is not only an awesome hacker; she's also a fantastic philosopher! Communication and online interactions is a subject that has kept her mind busy for a long time, and it has also resulted in a bunch of interesting experimental projects...
LightFace: Facebook Lightbox for MooTools
One of the web components I've always loved has been Facebook's modal dialog. This "lightbox" isn't like others: no dark overlay, no obnoxious animating to size, and it doesn't try to do "too much." With Facebook's dialog in mind, I've created LightFace: a Facebook lightbox...
Incredible Demos
jQuery topLink Plugin
Last week I released a snippet of code for MooTools that allowed you to fade in and out a "to the top" link on any page. Here's how to implement that functionality using jQuery. The XHTML A simple link. The CSS A little CSS for position and style. The jQuery...
Google Font API
Google recently debuted a new web service called the Font API. Google's Font API provides developers a means by which they may quickly and painlessly add custom fonts to their website. Let's take a quick look at the ways by which the Google Font...