Create a JavaScript Confirmation Box

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Javascript confirmation boxes aren't used nearly as often as they used to be, mostly due to more advanced usages of JavaScript and modal boxes, but they are still helpful. Whenever I create administrative functionality for my customers, I always use a JavaScript confirmation box before executing any permanent action -- an example would be when a customer tries to delete a file.

The Code / Example

Delete File

The confirm method returns the true/false result of the confirm box.

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  1. it is really cool!

  2. netmastan

    doesn’t work on FF. If you hit cancel still goes to the link

  3. clikcspeed

    You rock! This is great, was just looking for a way to pass PHP variable to javascript but with this tutorial I don’t have to complicate things, the whole process becomes less cumbersome… Really great stuff man!!!

  4. toinkees

    this helped me have an idea… thanks guys!!!..


    var c=confirm(“Are u sure?”);
    if(c== false)
    {return false;}
    return true;

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