HTML Test – Name The HTML Elements
If you're looking to test your HTML knowledge (and who isn't?), take a trip to the justsayhi website. How many elements can you name in five minutes?
As an aside, the JavaScript built into the test is simple but perfect -- an idea carried out well.
Kids these days, I tell ya. All they care about is the technology. The video games. The bottled water. Oh, and the texting, always the texting. Back in my day, all we had was...OK, I had all of these things too. But I still don't get...
CSS animations are a lot of fun; the beauty of them is that through many simple properties, you can create anything from an elegant fade in to a WTF-Pixar-would-be-proud effect. One CSS effect somewhere in between is the CSS flip effect, whereby there's...
It's something that makes all men live in fear, and are often uncertain of. It's never spoken, but the curiosity is always there. Nine out of ten women agree in the affirmative. Advertisers do their best to make us feel inadequate but...
You've probably noticed that I shy away from writing really long articles. Here are a few reasons why:
Most site visitors are coming from Google and just want a straight to the point, bail-me-out ASAP answer to a question.
I've noticed that I have a hard time...
I make only 25 (the shame is over me :-D). I don’t know or remenber the existence of BDO, COLGROUP, ISINDEX, KBD, OPTGROUP, Q, SAMP, TT and VAR. The others i have a simple mind blank.