Check for Function and Class Existence Using PHP

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When you've inherited a big website or you're working on a group website where you don't have quick access to communicate with the other developers, it's important to not assume that a custom function or class name has not already been defined. Here's how you can protect yourself:


	if(!function_exists('show_article')) {
		function show_article($id) {
			//code here
	if(!class_exists('my_class')) {
		class myclass {
			//code here

Using this type of programming can also protect you in case a file gets accidentally included twice. If a file with a function definition were to be included twice, you'd get an ugly "redefined" error when the function is realistically only in one file.

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  1. It seems a little redundant to check for class existence when you’re trying to create a new class. If the class does exist, then you want yours to be named something else so that it can be used. I would personally want an error in the example above, so I knew to rename the class.

    It would make sense to check for the class before instantiating it, but to check for the class before creating it, seems like it could create some confusing situations.

  2. Thanks for this cool idea. Sometime it really becomes hard to follow other developers of the team, so this idea will really help.

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