Format Code Inside PRE Tags within TextMate Using PHP

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Creating blog posts has been greatly sped up by the use of TextMate. I've created a bunch of blog formatting commands to do various operations on posts including adding paragraph tags, formatting headings, and generating content based on string templates. One of my favorites is a PHP function that html-entitizes (your word of the day) code with PRE tags.


function replace_angles($matches) {
return str_replace($matches[1],htmlentities($matches[1]),$matches[0]);
$file = file_get_contents('php://stdin');
$file = preg_replace_callback('/<pre.*?>(.*?)<\/pre>/imsu',replace_angles, $file);
echo $file;

The first step is reading in the buffer's contents. The next step is using PHP to extract the PRE code and replace it with htmlentities(code). Mission accomplished! I use this frequently within my blog -- maybe you can too.

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  1. Have you looked into using markdown in textmate instead? It’s already got a lot of what you’re talking about :D

  2. Dave Demon

    hello Sir,
    I would like to ask u some question. I tried to use htmlentities like that
    htmlentities('hello', ENT_QUOTES);
    but it is not working. (also htmlspecialchars ) I would like to know how to do this problem.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!