On this episode: Todd asks David what he wants to be for Halloween and quickly regrets it, while Todd reveals his somewhat controversial costume. David and Todd then welcome Lemon, an amazing web developer that creates silly but hilarious web games, hosts The FPl.us podcast, and shares his views on growth as a web developer. Enjoy!
I spent a few months experimenting with different approaches for writing simple, elegant and maintainable media queries with Sass. Each solution had something that I really liked, but I couldn't find one that covered everything I needed to do, so I ventured into creating my...
CSS cubes really showcase what CSS has become over the years, evolving from simple color and dimension directives to a language capable of creating deep, creative visuals. Add animation and you've got something really neat. Unfortunately each CSS cube tutorial I've read is a bit...
A while back David Walsh published a list of
7 MooTools Plugins You Should Use on Every Website
which included 'AutoGrow' a text area expander plugin. 'AutoGrow' is very similar in results to the class I wrote for Education.com, Flext. I decided to release this...
A long time back I coded a MooTools class called OpenLinks. The class is quite useful but the code...sucks. I've gotten much better with MooTools over the past years so I thought I'd go back and update the class to be better, faster...