Do / Undo Functionality with MooTools

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We all know that do/undo functionality is a God send for word processing apps. I've used those terms so often that I think of JavaScript actions in terms of "do" an "undo." I've put together a proof of concept Do/Undo class with MooTools.

The MooTools Class

	this.DoUndo = new Class({
		initialize: function() {
			this.registry = {};
		//register something you'd do
		register: function(key,doo,undo,arguments) {
			this.registry[key] = {
				'doo': doo || $empty,
				'undo': undo || $empty,
				'args': arguments
		//do it!
		doo: function(key) {
			return this.registry[key]['doo'](this.registry[key]['args']);
		undo: function(key) {
			return this.registry[key]['undo'](this.registry[key]['args']);


Once you've created your class instance you need to register your do's/undo's by providing a key, do function, undo function, and your arguments. From then on out you just call doo and undo methods, providing the key of course, to make it happen.

The Sample Usage

	var dooer = new DoUndo();
	//set up an do/undo command
	dooer.register('toggle-submit',function(submit) {
	},function(submit) {
	$('hider').addEvent('click',function() { dooer.doo('toggle-submit'); });
	$('shower').addEvent('click',function() { dooer.undo('toggle-submit'); });

This do/undo does simple show/hide of a button.

The Goods

  • I like the terminology: do and undo, just like every word processing application you use.
  • I like the syntax: short and sweet.

The Bads

  • This was a total "proof of concept" class and I'll admit my execution isn't very refined.
  • The method names may need to be changed on account of "do" being a reserved word.
  • This structure only allows for one "undo", so to speak. I wonder if it would enhance this solution to have an internal variable which would keep track of undos.

What are your thoughts? Dead end? Good start? I'm a ball of emotions with this. One second I think it's great, the next second I don't know how useful it would be.

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  1. You need to start with a strong use case, the current one is easily replaced w/ jQuery.toggle. The most common need for js undo is probably the wysiwig editors, who’ve already implemented it. Come up with some ajaxy concept that isn’t text editing.

    BTW: Nice Job on this mobile theme – looks really nice. Need a Scroll for code snippets though.

  2. instead of do – what about redo?

    That’s what is listed on all of the apps Im using.

  3. you can associate this with a stack similar to the browser history
    undo -> back
    redo -> forward

  4. I agree with Rob, you need a better demo on this one. A stack based do/undo would be awesome…and I’d definitely be able to use that all over my cms…

  5. This would probably work better as a mixin that you can Implement in your MooTools classes. At first glance using it as a mixin would seem kinda dumb because you can just bind custom events (objinstance.addEvent(‘doo’, fn(), etc)) but your mixin could do the things that others are asking for — keep a history of events and allow stepping through them until you get back to the original change.

    Either way, Great idea!

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