Retrieve DNS Records with Dig
One of the most difficult parts of my job is managing DNS settings. It's not that DNS is a particularly difficult thing to manage, but it's somewhat foreign to me because they don't teach it in school and there are huge consequences for messing things up. Not only can a business' website be down, but their email as well. Whenever I need to retrieve DNS records from a nameserver, I use Cygwin and dig.
For this example, we'll pretend that we need to retrieve the MX records for the domain. Here's the format of how you use dig:
dig @[nameserver] [domain] [record type]
To get a domains nameserver addresses, you'll need to do a WHOIS search. Click here to learn how to do that. I know that's nameserver is NS2.DREAMHOST.COM, so now I can find my domain's MX records:
dig MX
The above returns:
; <<>> DiG 9.3.2 <<>> mx ; (1 server found) ;; global options: printcmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 736 ;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 2 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ; IN MX ;; ANSWER SECTION: 14400 IN MX 0 14400 IN MX 0 ;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: 14400 IN A 14400 IN A ;; Query time: 77 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Mon Aug 04 17:09:23 2008 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 139
The MX servers are "" and "". Just the information we needed!
This is not about Cygwin. It’s about dig.
@Anonymous Coward: True, you don’t NEED Cygwin. Windows based users will likely use Cygwin, otherwise there’s a Windows command line tool to do it. That said, I recommend Cygwin for Windows users.
Not a coward. I just didn’t want your friends to know your mom is reading your blog. ;)
You know David, if you keep posting about Linux apps you might have to just dive in and give Linux a test drive. You might even dump Windows as your primary work environment, as I did many years ago.
These handy apps aren’t the only thing that give Linux a great reputation.
@Anonymous Coward: Well played, sir! :)
@Mark: I actually have an old machine to take home and install Linux. I’ll give it a try, but I doubt I’ll make that jump…yet.
Well it seems you may be more successful at converting people than me!
Nice post!
..why would anyone like to see a whole zone record?
host -t MX domain.tld
So … which Cygwin package contains dig?
Exactly, Grumble grumble, I have Cygwin and I cannot see dig in their package list… :\
OK, I find the package – it’s “bind”.
@Janis: ah! That’s what I was looking for!
Maybe update the post to tell ppl that info as well?
@Dominic B: Will do!