Demo: Flext: MooTools Auto-Growing Textrea Plugin

Check out the Flext examples below!

Example One: Loose

Type a bunch in the textarea below to see Flext in action:


Example Two: Max height

Type a bunch in the textarea below to see my Flext-controlled textarea keep to its constraints. (maximum height of 200px)


Example Three: Growing parents

The Flext class can try to grow the parent elements if the parents have a specific height set. Explicitly setting heights in html is rare, but in some cases other JS will add it, such as when using Fx.Slide().

Click to add a comment


Example Four: Ghost text

Max height of 200px, with ghosted text: text that gives the input context when first shown.


Example Five: Input text emulation

Emulates a text input, but will grow if the text is too long. Also like text inputs you can have the 'enter' key submit the form. (maximum height of 60px)

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