Conference Giveaways: Fluent Conference and Velocity Conference!

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Two of O'Reilly's amazing conferences are about to hit San Jose:  Fluent and Velocity.  Each conference is taking place in San Jose, CA from June 19-22.  You'll learn a ton from the amazing speakers, network with developers like yourself, and have the opportunity to get hands on in training sessions.  Better yet, you could be going for free!

Fluent Conference

If you're a front-end lover like myself, Fluent is the place to be.  You'll have a chance to learn the newest JavaScript and CSS techniques from Etsy, Google, Facebook, Mozilla, Netflix, and more!  If you work on the web, you face an overwhelming array of new tools and frameworks. Fluent will help you understand what works best for your specific needs—and help you quickly get up and running.

Velocity Conference

Velocity focuses on the magic in the background: DevOps, Security, Systems Engineers.  You'll have a chance to learn from engineers at Dropbox, Slack, Microsoft, Intel, Twitter, and more!  As our systems grow increasingly large and distributed, Velocity helps you develop ways to build, manage, and continually adapt to this new reality.

The Giveaway!

O'Reilly is letting me shell out two Bronze passes for the upcoming conferences: one for Velocity and one for Fluent.  Want to enter?  In the comments section below, share which talk you're most excited to see at the conference of your choosing.  I'll be picking the winner in short order so be sure to enter ASAP!  Good luck!

If you prefer to simply sign up today, use code PC20DWALSH to receive a 20% off discount!

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  1. whaaaat? Would love to go to fluent!

  2. Wish I could make it out to Fluent Conf! Kevin Old’s talk on “Building and deploying microservices with the Serverless Framework” would be great to see.

  3. Julie Knowles

    There are so many great talks at Fluent, it’s hard to pick just one, but I’d love to see Archana Sankaranarayanan’s talk on “Building a style guide with efficiency, accessibility, and performance built in”. I work for a small company, but I’ve always wanted to create a nice style guide for work!!

  4. I’m most interested in “Continuous delivery made easy: Removing barriers in the modern software factory” at the Velocity Conference. I’m curious to compare my own ideals against those that will be presented.

  5. Oh, I’m a big Addy Fan! I’d be looking forward to:
    The browser hacker’s guide to instantly loading everything

  6. Man, I’d love to hear Eli Fitch talk about perceived performance at Fluent, especially how he uses *predictive design*. I heard him briefly talk about preloading resources based on where the user’s cursor is on a podcast once, and I’d love to hear to what extent he (and others?) are actually using techniques like that. I’ve never been to a conference before—this would be so dope

  7. Oscar Pagani

    I wish I could go to Fluent. Styling React Applications Looks like a great talk. Thanks

  8. Umut Muhaddisoglu

    Addy Osmani’s talk “The browser hacker’s guide to instantly loading everything” is the most exciting one for me. Learning more on the hottest topic from a great speaker.

  9. As a react user I wish to start my journey with React Native. Primer by Ryan Salva looks as an amazing starting point that I wish I could attend.

  10. I have been a longtime follower of Juan Pablo Buritica on Twitter and Github and would love to see his talk at Velocity – ‘Technical decision making for teams, the open source way’

  11. I’m most interested in “Continuous delivery made easy: Removing barriers in the modern software factory” at the Velocity Conference. I would like to compare my own ideas to those being presented.

  12. Stephen

    JavaScript behind the scenes: Metaprogramming – by Lucas Fernandes – sounds interesting!

  13. Fluent: anything in Modern Web Essentials

  14. WRichardson

    Either sounds like a fantastic opportunity.

    • WRichardson

      Probably most excited about hearing Corey House and Mr. Getify himself.

  15. Would love to be able to attend Fluent. Lots of talks and amazing speakers. Out of all, “Reverse engineering Amazon and the Guardian” intrigues me the most. The way we used to learn (God I feel old) was tearing apart other code to find out how it worked. Won’t forget how much Paul Irish’s “10 Things I learned from jQuery’s Source” years ago helped change the way I looked at things.

  16. “A complete introduction to React” sounds amazing!

  17. berkin cirak

    Ben Lesh
    RxJS 5: Thinking reactively

  18. Pavel

    I’m just moving to Bay Area in June so this would be the perfect opportunity. I’d love to see “The browser hacker’s guide to instantly loading everything” talk because that’s what we’re battling in our company and secondly it’s Addy Osmani, duh :)

  19. I’d like to go to the “Architecting web apps to “just work” offline” talk by Islam Sharabash.

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