Recent Features
From Webcam to Animated GIF: the Secret Behind!
My team mate Edna Piranha is not only an awesome hacker; she's also a fantastic philosopher! Communication and online interactions is a subject that has kept her mind busy for a long time, and it has also resulted in a bunch of interesting experimental projects...
How to Create a Twitter Card
One of my favorite social APIs was the Open Graph API adopted by Facebook. Adding just a few META tags to each page allowed links to my article to be styled and presented the way I wanted them to, giving me a bit of control...
Incredible Demos
Check All/None Checkboxes Using MooTools
There's nothing worse than having to click every checkbox in a list. Why not allow users to click one item and every checkbox becomes checked? Here's how to do just that with MooTools 1.2. The XHTML Note the image with the ucuc ID -- that...
Page Peel Effect Using MooTools
Soh Tanaka release a great script back in May titled Simple Page Peel Effect with jQuery & CSS. The idea is that you place a "peel" image on the upper-right side of an element which, when hovered, "peels" open and peels close.