getify Tutorials

    Kyle Simpson is a web-oriented software engineer, widely acclaimed for his "You Don't Know JS" book series and nearly 1M hours viewed of his online courses. Kyle's superpower is asking better questions, who deeply believes in maximally using the minimally-necessary tools for any task. As a "human-centric technologist", he's passionate about bringing humans and technology together, evolving engineering organizations towards solving the right problems, in simpler ways. Kyle will always fight for the people behind the pixels.

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    Going Async With ES6 Generators

    Now that you've seen ES6 generators and are more comfortable with them, it's time to really put them to use for improving our real-world code. The main strength of generators is that they provide a single-threaded, synchronous-looking code style, while allowing you to hide the...

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    Diving Deeper With ES6 Generators

    If you're still unfamiliar with ES6 generators, first go read and play around with the code in "Part 1: The Basics Of ES6 Generators". Once you think you've got the basics down, now we can dive into some of the deeper details. Error Handling One of the...

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    The Basics Of ES6 Generators

    One of the most exciting new features coming in JavaScript ES6 is a new breed of function, called a generator. The name is a little strange, but the behavior may seem a lot stranger at first glance. This article aims to explain the basics of how...

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    asynquence: More Than Just Promises (Part 2)

    asynquence Is Promises As we saw in part 1, asynquence is a wrapper abstraction on top of promises, as sequences. A single-step sequence approximates a promise, though they're not identically compatible. However, that's no big deal, since asynquence can both consume and vend standard promises/thenables...

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    asynquence: The Promises You Don’t Know Yet (Part 1)

    on("before", start) Normally, my blog posts (and training workshops, for that matter!) are intended to teach something, and in the process I highlight projects that I've written to explore and experiment in that area. I find that to be an effective aid to teaching. However, this blog post...

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    JS Objects: De”construct”ion

    In part 1 of this article series (which you should totally go read if you haven't yet!), I revisited an idea not original to me: JS doesn't have "inheritance" in the traditional sense, and what it does have is more appropriately labeled "behavior delegation" -- the...

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    JS Objects: Distractions

    In part 1 of this article series, I went into great detail (aka, wordiness) about the differences between what the traditional definition of "inheritance" means and how JS's [[Prototype]] mechanism works. We saw that JS operates oppositely to "inheritance", being better labeled as "behavior delegation". If you haven't read...

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    JS Objects: Inherited a Mess

    year 2013: Haskell people are still writing monad tutorials, JavaScript people are still trying to explain inheritance. — Vyacheslav Egorov (@mraleph) April 12, 2013 As sad a criticism on JS as that quote is, it's quite true. (I have no perspective on Haskell or Monads, so I'm...