Add a Submenu to the WordPress Admin Bar

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A while back I wrote Add Menu Items to the WordPress Admin Menu, a post detailing how you can add items to the left side, existing "posts" menu bar.  Adding menu items has served me well but it's not as customized as I would like -- I'm still adapting to WordPress instead of WordPress adapting to me.  By creating a custom top bar menu, I can mix and match links all I want!

Like adding functionality to your theme and other admin area, the directives will go in your theme's functions.php file.  The code itself should be self explanatory:

function create_dwb_menu() {
	global $wp_admin_bar;

	$menu_id = 'dwb';
	$wp_admin_bar->add_menu(array('id' => $menu_id, 'title' => __('DWB'), 'href' => '/'));
	$wp_admin_bar->add_menu(array('parent' => $menu_id, 'title' => __('Homepage'), 'id' => 'dwb-home', 'href' => '/', 'meta' => array('target' => '_blank')));
	$wp_admin_bar->add_menu(array('parent' => $menu_id, 'title' => __('Drafts'), 'id' => 'dwb-drafts', 'href' => 'edit.php?post_status=draft&post_type=post'));
	$wp_admin_bar->add_menu(array('parent' => $menu_id, 'title' => __('Pending Comments'), 'id' => 'dwb-pending', 'href' => 'edit-comments.php?comment_status=moderated'));
add_action('admin_bar_menu', 'create_dwb_menu', 2000);

Setting an id on the parent menu item allows you to use the parent key for submenu items; the rest of the keys are easy to figure out.  With the menu created, you simply need to add the WordPress hook and specificity to add it!

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  1. I you want to remove a menu item , here the code.

    add_action('admin_bar_menu','ank_remove_admin_bar_menu', 99);
    function ank_remove_admin_bar_menu($wp_admin_bar){
  2. Isuru

    Thank you Mr. Walsh! I needed this. Awesome!

  3. This is super easy!though I wish they had some kind of visual interface to do this, as it is there is Joomla and Drupal.

  4. Gavin

    What would be great would be a WP plugin that uses the built-in WordPress “Links” ( and creates WP Admin Bar menus for each link category, and then adds the links from each category to the menu.

    Seems like a nice way to leverage the built-in WP Links feature for something that would actually be useful.

    Shouldn’t be too hard to do …. I might have a go when I get time.

    Thanks for the article.

  5. Hasse Andre


    Thanks for this.

    Is there a way to open the URL in a new window?
    Here is my code:

    function create_dwb_menu() {
    	global $wp_admin_bar;
    	$menu_id = 'dwb';
    	$wp_admin_bar->add_menu(array('id' => $menu_id, 'title' => __('NEW MENU ITEM'), 'href' => ''));
    add_action('admin_bar_menu', 'create_dwb_menu', 2000);
  6. To have this open in a new window, add in the meta option, like this: 'meta' => array( 'target' => '_blank' )

  7. iLen

    Thank you. I much use this code for my next plugin :)

  8. Ovidiu

    Thank you, this works great, even after all those years.

    However, what I would need is a way to add this on the right, to the “top-secondary” adminbar menu, next to the user actions. I’ve managed to add it using this function:

    function get_support_link($wp_admin_bar) {
       $args = array(
          'id' => 'get-support',
          'title' => 'Need Help?', 
          'href' => '/wp-admin/get-support.php', 
          'parent' => 'top-secondary', 
          'meta' => array(
             'class' => 'get-suport', 
             'title' => 'Use the contact form to contact Support',
             'target' => '_blank',
    add_action('admin_bar_menu', 'get_support_link', 99);

    the ‘parent’ => ‘top-secondary’ being the key here. Yes, I could use the same function to add submenu items to this one, but I need to add about 5 items (maybe more) and adding same function again and again looks awful. I feel that this can be done cleaner, like your function here, but I can’t figure out how to add this function to the ‘top-secondary’ adminbar location. Any ideas?

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!