David Walsh on Tech.Pro

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Over the past few weeks I've written four awesome tutorials for Tech.Pro.  If you have a moment, check them out!

9 Ways to Optimize Your Front End Performance

As our browsers implement more and more features and the web moves more and more toward mobile devices, the need to keep our front end code compact and optimized becomes more important. What's great about the front end is that there are many simple strategies and code conventions we can use to to ensure optimal front end performance. This post aims to provide you nine of these code tips, tips you could probably implement on your existing sites in matter of minutes!

9 More Ways to Optimize Your Front End Performance

In my previous post, 9 Ways to Optimize Your Front End Performance, I shared easy to implement ideas for improving your client-side code and performance. Most of those tips take only a few moments to implement and the benefit is seen by every user that hits the site. This tutorial provides nine more useful performance tips that can take your website or web application to the next level.

6 Mozilla GitHub Projects to Hack On

There's no way to communicate exactly how important Mozilla is to the world wide web. Mozilla brought us an open source, forward-thinking browser when we needed one, threw us a mail client miles better than Outlook in Thunderbird, and now brings us an open source, HTML5-based mobile operating system in Firefox OS. In short: Mozilla's commitment to excellence in open source has drive the web to where it is today.

We all know of Mozilla's super popular projects, all of which are open source, but what about Mozilla's lesser known projects? This post aims to introduce you to those projects, all of which you can clone on GitHub today and begin hacking to help make the web better!

6 Considerations and Tips for Creating HTML5 Apps

The newly announced Firefox OS and the Firefox Marketplace have again brought attention to the concept of creating feature-rich HTML5 apps. People are excited and why shouldn't they be? Firefox OS and HTML-based OS' like it essentially launch with millions of apps already available -- in the form of existing websites! We all revel in how easy it is to create the basic HTML5-based app, but creating a great HTML5-based app is another story. Here are a few considerations and tips you should mull over before jumping into your first HTML5 app.

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    CSS Selection Styling

    The goal of CSS is to allow styling of content and structure within a web page.  We all know that, right?  As CSS revisions arrive, we're provided more opportunity to control.  One of the little known styling option available within the browser is text selection styling.

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    MooTools Equal Heights Plugin:  Equalizer

    Keeping equal heights between elements within the same container can be hugely important for the sake of a pretty page. Unfortunately sometimes keeping columns the same height can't be done with CSS -- you need a little help from your JavaScript friends. Well...now you're...


    Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!