David Walsh on Twitter

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Who would've thought that after being such a Twitter-hater, I've been completely drawn into the service? So much so that I have a few links to pass on.

Follow Me on Twitter!

If you aren't already following me on Twitter...then why the hell not? You can hear about my music tastes, programming mistakes, thoughts on web topics, and other lifestyle opinions:


Twitter Emulation Using MooTools 1.2 and PHP

You can check out my Nettuts article, Twitter Emulation Using MooTools 1.2 and PHP, at the NetTuts website. Writing the article and creating the functionality were a lot of fun! If you'd like a primitive Twitter-like system, give it a try:


Recent Features

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    CSS Animations Between Media Queries

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Incredible Demos

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    Fade Images with MooTools LazyLoad

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    Using jQuery and MooTools Together

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