SenchaCon 2013: Live Like a Rock Star

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SenchaCon 2013

There are a handful of outstanding front-end development organizations and Sencha is right at the top of them.  Sencha has done some incredible work, all the way back to the ExtJS days to the modern day Sencha Touch library.  Sencha continues to push the limits of front-end web development and performance, as evidenced by last year's revelation FastBook.  Mark Zuckerburg claimed HTML5 wasn't ready so Sencha shocked the industry with a world class, performant Facebook app.  In short:  Sencha doesn't mess around.

SenchaCon 2013 is coming up in Orlando, Florida on July 16-19 at Walt Disney World Swan & Dolphin.  This epic conference is a front-end developer's dream, covering HTML5, mobile, JavaScript, performant practices, and more.  Sencha promises:

  • Get the inside track on Sencha's New technologies
  • Spend 3 days in 60+ sessions on Sencha tools & frameworks
  • Interact with HTML5 experts, Sencha engineers & fellow developers
  • Show off your coding skills during our full-day hackathon
  • Network and enjoy yourself with your peers at SenchaCon's kickass parties

SenchaCon is a premier front-end event, and it's exactly what you'd expect from a Sencha.  If you love front-end development and can make it to Sencha Con, be sure to get there!

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