PHP’s Magic Constants: __LINE__ , __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__, and __METHOD__

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Setting constants in PHP is as easy as using the define function, but PHP creates a few constants in every script for you that help mostly for debugging purposes (well, that's generally the only time I use them). These constants are called "magic constants."

Magic constants have a funny syntax, placing two underscores before and after the constant's word representation. These are PHP's magic constants:


You can imagine how helpful these constants are for debugging...but if you can't:

if($sugar == '') { echo('$sugar has no value on line '.__LINE__.' of ['.__FILE__.']'); }

There are also helpful uses for these magic constants:

dirname(__FILE__) // get the directory name of the current script

What do you use them for?

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  1. My two favorite are

    That you can use it to get parent directory:


    or you can include the init.php file from anywhere in your filesystem:

    You would use

    include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/database.class.php');

    in the init.php

  2. Wow, awesome usage of the __FILE__ magic constant — I hadn’t thought of that one!

  3. Jaime


  4. To Jesus DeLaTorre:


    Maybe it could be better, when you use this:

    $dir = str_replace ( “\”, “/”, dirname ( _FILE_ ) )
    -> for Windows based systems

    (PS: nice book engine)

  5. thanks for this, i knew only __FILE__ so i googled this article :)

  6. Jim


    Instead of / for linux and \ for windows, just use another constant:

    include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'database.class.php);
  7. Petah

    omg @ the comments

    realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) or

    __DIR__ or


  8. is there any way to get the constants defined in a php file using

  9. I have never seen the use of __FUNCTION__
    Can give me any Example.

  10. Allan Peda

    I make it a habit to wrap these magic constants into SQL and PL/SQL blocks so that I can quickly trace the construction of queries and DML to the source.

  11. There’s also the __NAMESPACE__ constant, e.g.

    namespace hyperdrive;
    add_action('wp_head', __NAMESPACE__ .'\engage');

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