Listen for the Delete Key Using MooTools

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I saw an interesting ticket hit the MooTools Lighthouse system recently. A user reported that they could not use the following code snippet to listen for the delete key:

var isdel = Event.Keys.delete;

While that generally works, it does not work for the delete key because "delete" is a reserved word. Instead, you must listen for the delete key with this code snippet:

var isdel = Event.Keys['delete'];

Very interesting. As flexible as Moo's language is, you can't get around the reserved words!

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  1. mootools rules! :)

  2. Thanks for keeping us informed, David!

  3. Hugo

    I saw an interesting ticket hit the MooTools Lighthouse system…

    So did you let them know about your solution? :D
    Or did they already take care of that in the docs?

    (not to sound like a jack*ss, of course, just curious)

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