Firefox OS Manifest .htaccess Handler

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Want to know one of the secrets why Firefox OS is so incredibly awesome?  If you've created your website correctly, i.e. using CSS media queries (responsive design) and JavaScript feature detection, you can simply add an app.manifest file at the root of your domain and you've instantly created a Firefox OS app!  Of course you'll then want to list your app in the Firefox Marketplace.  The most frequent problem developers run into is with their app.manifest file not being served correctly.  With an update to the .htaccess file of the hosted app, that problem can go away!

The .htacess Code

The problem is that the manifest.webapp file isn't being served properly, so an AddType is the key:

AddType application/x-web-app-manifest+json .webapp

The .htaccess snippet above ensures that the manifest is served correctly, thus eliminating the annoying manifest error and letting you get your app listed on the Marketplace!

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  1. In my nginx config manifest listed as(taken from mime.types file):
    text/cache-manifest manifest;
    If based on your example it would be:
    application/x-web-app-manifest+json manifest

  2. Stanton Moreland

    This is a really helpful post as I was looking to add my app on the Firefox marketplace for some time now. I am going to check it out soon! Since I am huge fan of Firefox Add-on Builder and SDK, I want you to check this blog post regarding developing Firefox add-ons.

    I use GroupDocs viewer plugin for Firefox and it has good performance for a browser-based app but this add-on post has me confused. Hoping to hear from you on this!

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