Fix WebKit Checkbox Overflow

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I want to share a quick tip about working with checkboxes in Chrome and Safari, the WebKit-based browsers. I was recently working with a series of checkboxes when I noticed that Safari and Chrome were doing some funky "cut off" with them:

WebKit Checkbox Bug

What's even weirder is that they were randomly fix and unfix themselves as you hover over them. Horrible! After a bit of tinkering, I discovered the solution was adding a line-height of 20px to the parent the checkbox:

.checkboxList li { /* ..or whatever the parent is */
	line-height: 20px;

Twenty pixels should be considered the minimum -- anything smaller wont prevent the problem completely.

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  1. Jish

    This actually didn’t work for me. I had to give the checkboxes display:block and a height of 20px.

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