You Script. You Style. Introducing Script & Style.

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Any good designer or developer is never satisfied with their knowledge. To maintain and grow as a designer or developer, the person must read the popular blogs, keep up with the new tools, and take as much from their web experiences as they can. From my experience, I would even go as far as to say that designers want to be developers, and visa versa.

With that in mind, Chris Coyier and I have launched a website for both designers and developers:


Script & Style allows designers and developers to post links to interesting, helpful, and groundbreaking blog articles about JavaScript, CSS, XHTML, and whatever sexy acronym has penetrated the minds of professional web architects.

What makes Script & Style different from other similar sites? Easy:

  • Exclusive articles -- Read articles about new ideas from experienced, creative authors. I authored the first one: Drag, Drop, Sort, Save.
  • You have the power -- If you spot an article you think that designers and developers should know about, submit it for approval.
  • Moderated links -- Cut through the crap and avoid spam or sponsored posts. Only worthy links are promoted.
  • Script AND style -- CSS and JavaScript are no longer separate topics. With the emergence of JavaScript libraries, CSS and JS have become almost a singular topic. This site will cover both, not just half of modern web GUI.
  • Responsive posting -- Chris and I post every day of the week. Expect links every single day of the week.
  • Direct Links -- You don't need to click through to a specific article page to get to the article; hit the direct link and move on to the good stuff.

Be sure to check out the new website: Script & Style. Don't forget to grab the RSS feed too! And lastly, for the love of the web, if you find a great web article, be sure to submit it!

Recent Features

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    Responsive Images: The Ultimate Guide

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    LightFace:  Facebook Lightbox for MooTools

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Incredible Demos

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    Fix Anchor URLs Using MooTools 1.2

    The administrative control panel I build for my customers features FCKEditor, a powerful WYSIWYG editor that allows the customer to add links, bold text, create ordered lists, and so on. I provide training and documentation to the customers but many times they simply forget to...

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    Introducing LazyLoad 2.0

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  1. Miguel Palazzo

    Considering myself a hybrid between design & development among other stuff (funny enough cuz I’m an Engineer…) I found your new site totally helpful! Keep it going David!

  2. Nice! Hope to get some articles up there soon. :)

  3. Very cool concept. As long as there are strict quality requirements for the submissions, i’m sure it will prove to be an excellent resource.

  4. I know the website probably isnt finished but can I give a couple criticisms?

    I think the features section is awkwardly skinny for the content

    Also I think you should had tags or something so that content can be easily browsable when looking at specific category.

    Comments are going to be enabled right?

  5. Braxo

    Another feature I think would be useful is the date the tutorial or article was posted.

    But it looks to be off to a great start.

  6. It’s been bookmarked. Wow, it has a great weekly Alexa rank in just one month of being live…

  7. Michael

    The site looks good, but ):
    It doesn’t look like community driven..
    where are the user registration?
    Where are the voting ?
    where are categories/Tags?
    where are voting buttons?

    Hope to see it better..

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!