Generate Readable Byte Labels Using PHP
Whenever you manage disk space, it's infinitely easier to read when when the bytes are displayed in KB, MB, GB... format. When reading files on the disk, the server returns the disk space in bytes so it's on us programmers to program file sizes for display. Using PHP, this task is cake.
function format_bytes($bytes)
$labels = array('B','KB','MB','GB','TB');
for($x = 0; $bytes >= 1024 && $x < (count($labels) - 1); $bytes /= 1024, $x++);
return(round($bytes, 2).' '.$labels[$x]);
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I always like using the right-shift operator for this kind of stuff. So instead of:
$bytes /= 1024
I would use:
$bytes >>= 10
Of course, you lost the digits after the decimal point (unless you get fancy), but on the plus side, it’s way faster than floating point division. The shift operators must be some of the loneliest operators in PHP, don’t you think?
Nice one!
I did a similar function … somewhat overkill, but a usefull thing over the years =)