Recent Features
6 Things You Didn’t Know About Firefox OS
Firefox OS is all over the tech news and for good reason: Mozilla's finally given web developers the platform that they need to create apps the way they've been creating them for years -- with CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Firefox OS has been rapidly improving...
9 More Mind-Blowing WebGL Demos
With Firefox OS, asm.js, and the push for browser performance improvements, canvas and WebGL technologies are opening a world of possibilities. I featured 9 Mind-Blowing Canvas Demos and then took it up a level with 9 Mind-Blowing WebGL Demos, but I want to outdo...
Incredible Demos
Flexbox Equal Height Columns
Flexbox was supposed to be the pot of gold at the long, long rainbow of insufficient CSS layout techniques. And the only disappointment I've experienced with flexbox is that browser vendors took so long to implement it. I can't also claim to have pushed flexbox's limits, but...
Dress Up Your Select Elements with FauxSelect
I received an email from Ben Delaney a few weeks back about an interesting MooTools script he had written. His script was called FauxSelect and took a list of elements (UL / LI) and transformed it into a beautiful Mac-like SELECT element.