Git Checkout at Previous Timeframe
In the past I've blogged about checking out branches created on a specific date as well as sorting git branches by date, but one frequent usage of git and dates is checking out a commit at a given time in the past. For example, I often say "Weird, this feature was working a month ago" or "We removed that UI two months ago, how did it look again?". I don't care about the branch previous to the change, I just want to go back a given timeframe and see something.
The following git command allows you checkout the commit closest to the given date and time:
git checkout 'master@{2018-09-01 01:00:00}'
This command is incredibly useful -- I use it almost daily!
I love almost every part of being a tech blogger: learning, preaching, bantering, researching. The one part about blogging that I absolutely loathe: dealing with SPAM comments. For the past two years, my blog has registered 8,000+ SPAM comments per day. PER DAY. Bloating my database...
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I was one of the biggest fans of flexbox before it hit but, due to being shuffled around at Mozilla, I never had the chance to use it in any practice project; thus, flexbox still seems like a bit of a mystery to me. This greatly...
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