Faster npm
Good news! npm was updated in January and this is no longer an issue!
npm is the premier package repository on the web and we all use it a ton, obviously. npm has started using basic progress bar graphics to notify users of download progress, which is nice, but appears to slow down the entire process. This tweet blew my mind:
Executing the following before an npm install
dramatically speeds up the process:
npm set progress=false
You wont see a beautiful progress bar but you will get faster installs which, in my opinion, is an excellent trade off!
CSS animations are right up there with sliced bread. CSS animations are efficient because they can be hardware accelerated, they require no JavaScript overhead, and they are composed of very little CSS code. Quite often we add CSS transforms to elements via CSS during...
I get asked loads of questions every day but I'm always surprised that they're rarely questions about code or even tech -- many of the questions I get are more about non-dev stuff like what my office is like, what software I use, and oftentimes...
Speech recognition software is becoming more and more important; it started (for me) with Siri on iOS, then Amazon's Echo, then my new Apple TV, and so on. Speech recognition is so useful for not just us tech superstars but for people who either want to work "hands...
This article serves as a first step toward mastering SVG element animation. Included within are links to key resources for diving deeper, so bookmark this page and refer back to it throughout your journey toward SVG mastery.
An SVG element is a special type of DOM element...
The problem was fixed in 3.7.0 back in January.
I think it’s worth mentioning that these settings are saved in a dotfile
that can be backed up easily. Automating the machine setup ftw! :D