OSCON Portland: Free Expo Plus Passes

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OSCON Portland
The O'Reilly Open Source Convention is just a few weeks away and we have free expo plus passes available. OSCON is the best place to sharpen your skills and discover important new trends, making you better at what you do and rekindling your love of all things digital. The Expo Plus pass includes access to the expo hall, all evening events, sponsored sessions and tutorials, Birds of a Feather sessions, and much more.

Free Expo Plus Pass Code:  PCEXPOPLUS

Use code PCEXPOPLUS to get your free OSCON Expo Plus pass now (a $49 value). See everything included in this pass:

OSCON Conference 20% Discount: AFF20

If you don't want to chance winning or have friends that are wanting to go, use this link and discount code AFF20.  You'll save 20% on the ticket price and book your trip to an excellent open source conference!

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