#davidwalshblog AJAX Chat

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I announced a few days ago that I had created the #davidwalshblog IRC chat room on Freenode so that my readers could get in touch with me and speak with other readers. That includes getting help, giving help, and discussing web topics.

I quickly got questions from users on how to get to the chat. Many of you haven't used IRC clients before and explaining how to do so can be difficult. For that reason I've fitted my site with Mibbit's embedded IRC client!

Now you have no reason not to join! I look forward to seeing you!

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  1. Webling

    Many of you haven’t used IRC clients before and explaining how to do so can be difficult.

    one more reason to use opera :-D

  2. @Webling: One more? I think that might be the only one…

  3. Fabian

    Wait, wasn’t Opera a WEB BROWSER? I don’t understand why someone would include stuff like an chat client there… Focus!

  4. why you dont use flashchat

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!