FontChecker is a highly inventive JavaScript-based font availability checker.
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Plugin Code (Version 1.0)
var FontChecker = new Class({ /* implements */ Implements: [Options], /* options */ options: { fakeFont: '__RUBBUSH_FONT__', testString: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' }, /* initialization */ initialize: function(options) { //set options this.setOptions(options); }, /* a method that does whatever you want */ check: function(desiredFont) { /* create a hidden element */ var element = new Element('span',{ styles: { visibility: 'hidden', 'font-family': this.options.fakeFont }, html: this.options.testString }).inject(document.body); /* apply a fake font, get width */ var width = element.getCoordinates().width; /* apply desired font */ element.setStyle('font-family', desiredFont); var new_width = element.getCoordinates().width; /* take our temp element out of the DOM */ element.dispose(); /* same width = most likely has font */ return (width !== new_width); } }); /* usage */ window.addEvent('domready',function() { var fc = new FontChecker(); var hasFont = fc.check('Arial'); });
- fakeFont: (defaults to '__RUBBUSH_FONT__') the fake font to use as a base/default.
- testString: (defaults to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") the string to base the test on.
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